development environment workflow


tmux # 1. start tmux

ctrl + b " # 2. create two horizontal panes

ctrl + b up/down # 3. move between panes

ctrl + b esc + down # 5. resize bottom pane smaller

in top pane, navigate to directory currently working in

nvim "main entry file to the project". nerdtree opens up into the main directory

use ctrl + ww to swap between nerdtree and open files

go # open the files in the buffer that I want to edit

:bnext or :bprev # switch between buffer files

ctrl + b c # create new window

ctrl + b , # rename current window

ctrl + b n/p # move between windows

in nerdtree, press m to brig up the file system to add delete or change files


tmux # start tmux

ctrl + b c # create new window

ctrl + b & # close current window

ctrl + b n # next window

ctrl + b p # previous window

ctrl + b , # rename current window

ctrl + b + o # swap panes


:NERDTreeFocus # open nerdtree

ctrl + ww # swap between nerdtree and open files


t # open files in new tab silently

gt # next tab

gT # previous tab

:tabclose # close current tab

:bd # close current buffer

:bn # next buffer

:bp # previous buffer